Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ahoy, Mate!

Nora has one eye that is a little weaker than the other which means that for now she has to wear an eye patch over her strong eye a few hours a day to help strengthen the weak eye. We see the eye doctor again in three months so that's the earliest that she would stop wearing the patch.  Pictures featuring one of the daycare teachers, Ms. Nicki.  Pirate baby!

Patch is on! 
She rubbed it a few times to try to get it off

She wiggled a whole bunch 
And then jumped off of the Ms. Nicki's lap into mine.  

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Recent Adventures of Nora B.

Dug and I have gotten into the habit of calling our munchkin Nora B (as in Nora Bug).  We went through a few weeks of doctors appointments related to asthma, rashes, fevers, etc and came out of the other end with a milk allergy.  I am happy (so happy!) to report that since last week when we discovered the milk allergy and stopped giving her all things dairy she seems to have reverted to the happy-go-lucky, easy-going kiddo that we know and love.  Whew!  Now (hopefully) she can focus on starting to walk because Dug and I are just too anxious for her to get started :) 

Scrambled eggs for breakfast! 
Notice how I am eating off of a plate like a big girl
This expression kills me.  
Snoozing on mom on one of her sick days at home
Taking a break 
"Helping" by taking everything out of this drawer.  I did convince her to put one or two things back but then she took them out again.  

Wearing an owl hat, playing with the monitor 

Nora cannot get enough outside time.  She is working on crawling over this threshold by herself. 

My new favorite picture of her.  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

12 Months Adjusted

Today was our big 12 month post-due date evaluation at the high risk follow-up clinic that we go to.  Mom was nervous but Nora passed all of the doctor's tests with flying colors.  The doctor couldn't stop telling us how smart she is and how impressed she is with her development.  She scored either average or above average in all of her tests and we don't have to go back until December when she turns 2, not adjusted.  The nutritionist was happy with the way that she's growing and overall the message was to just keep doing what we are doing! The doctor even said these magic words: "Its hard to even tell that she was a preemie!"  

Thanks to everyone who has been on this journey with us over the last 14 months.  We definitely couldn't have done it without you!

Sharing her breakfast egg with me
Swinging in the park.  She loves to swing!

So big! 
Digging in the plant dirt.  She is so curious! 
Helping us clean up

Wearing her lunch

She loves french toast.  She won't even share it with the dog! 
