Thursday, May 22, 2014

May the May Be With you

Hello, all!  The month of May has been absolutely jam packed since I am wrapping up my time at UT and launching into the world of part-time, freelance/contract work from home.  Dug and I have been struggling with our mismatched schedules for the last year and this is the solution we came up with. Never a dull moment in the Schulz household :)

Anywho, here are some pictures from the month of may and please expect more frequent (maybe even weekly!) blog posts from this pair of significantly-less-over-booked parents. 

Star Wars shirts for May the 4th! Also, Nora requesting that we sing "Head and Shoulders" for the 10,000 time that day

Reading a book! Nora is really into books right now.

She has discovered corn on the cob and likes it almost as much as she likes books. 

Books are great in the car, too. 

Working on eating with a fork

But hands are still the utensil of choice

Wearing a hat to keep the sun out of her face

Playing on the splash pad that Grammie brought 

She was so frustrated that this slide wouldn't stay in place for her to climb up it.

Daddy helping her sit on the slide.

Blowing bubbles with Grammie 

Eating cheerios in the waiting room at the ENT. Note that she has no shoes because Mommy and Daddy forgot to put them back on after nap time.  Ooops. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

For Mother's Day I post pictures from before Easter

So I, Dug, have become terrible at blogging recently. I have tons of photos on my phone and other devices. Maybe a quarter of those get shared online for y'all to ogle. I hope to fix that today. Below are pictures from Nora's fist egg hunt (which took place at her day care) and some ones too cute not to post. 

In the meanwhile the little one has been steadily increasing her mobility. Her speed has increased, not so much as to a run just yet, but definitely walking fast. She's had her first skinned knee, already. And we've developed a technique to get out the back door. We have to kneel down, twist on one knee, and and inch the other leg out until we've hit ground, then we're outside!

She also really likes saying "Hi!" and waving. She loves it when you wave back.

Also, she has developed a "fake" laugh. She does it when something is funny or exciting to her, but it's purposeful and I think trying to imitate my laugh. This causes me to laugh. Which, in turn, causes more "fake" laughs mixed with real laughs from her. We then enter an endless cycle of laughter.

Delicious plastic eggs are delicious
Even posing with daddy she wouldn't stop chewing on them
Are there more eggs to chew on in here?
Once outside, she went straight for this little car thing. Then she defended it from the other toddlers. 
This is from Easter day. She systematically opened the egg, poured out the confetti, and went on to the next one. Serious business. 
Slides are fun!
Daddy I want peas and broccoli. I already got the peas, but I can't find the broccoli.