Today's news is all about food. Nora tried breast feeding for the first time today and seemed to be interested and generally comfortable with the idea. We will be "practicing" breast feeding once a day until she gets the hang of it. Tomorrow she is going to try taking a bottle for the first time with the help of a speech therapist. All of these things are leading to no more feeding tube which could still be a few weeks away but progress is being made!
I'm also going to be making some changes; the doctor thinks that she might be allergic or sensitive to cow's milk so I will be going dairy free for the next few weeks to see if it makes a difference in the color and consistency of her poop. I'm not super excited about this turn of events but whatever our girl needs me to do, I'm on board!
And since you were patient enough to read all of that, here is a picture of her sleeping on my chest.
I am so excited that you both get to experience the wonderful closeness of nursing! Give her a kiss and a hug for me please! I love you all. Can' t wait to see you after the New Year! Merry Christmas! Call you when I get to NYC.