Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Weekend of the Aunt

This past weekend Aunt Amy and Uncle Colin came all the way from New York City for a visit. They got to have some great quality time with their new niece. Grandparents Wes and Debbie also came for a little while and the whole family went to visit great great aunt Margaret. Amy and Colin will share their photos with us soon and on Facebook. You can see Nora's meeting Aunt Margaret below.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


This morning Dug and I made pancakes and our friend Jeremy came over which was something that we did pretty often pre-Nora so it felt good. Nora really like Jeremy's beard! I didn't get any pictures of Nora and Jeremy because I was making pancakes but I did take pictures of Nora. Enjoy!

Friday, February 22, 2013

The days are short

Time flies when you're having fun! Here are some pictures from the last week.


Sorry for not posting for 6 days. We're still trying to find our rhythm here, and once we get one going Nora throws a kink into it.

The fundraiser last Sunday was a huge success, and more importantly a whole lot of fun. Thanks to everyone that came out, thanks again to the people who bid on items, and thanks to those who couldn't make it but sent their love and support.

Of course special thanks to Trey and Soo for allowing us to use the Side Bar, to Kimi and Ari for setting up and running the auction, to Joe and Felicia for the delicious tacos, to Kiki for helping getting us free beer, to the employees of Side Bar for handing out that beer, to Tommie for being the go to guy, and to every person or company that donated items for the auction. Sara and I are so lucky to know so many amazing and caring people.

But who cares about all that! Here's a picture of a sleepy Nora right after breakfast :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Just what the doctor ordered

We went to the doctor today for 2 month shots. Ms. Nora didn't love getting shots and she didn't feel great for the rest of the day but they are a necessary evil and the nurse did them so quickly. She also got weighed and measured and she's up to 7 lbs and 19 inches!

And now for the pic of the day:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Grammie came to visit!

Grammie Diane came all the way from Sugar Land today for a quick visit. She got to hold Nora for a while, watch the Lorax (he speaks for the trees), and eat a great taco dinner (shredded chicken in the crock pot, so easy, so delicious, ask me when I see you).

Blue maximized his Grammie time as well

Thursday, February 7, 2013

A fundraiser for Nora

So in between diaper changes and bottles I have been organizing a fundraiser. What I thought was going to be a little thing has turned into a kind big deal. The outpouring of volunteers to help and donations to be auctioned has been tremendous. I am going to owe everyone big time. Free moves to everyone while I still have my truck and Sara will cook you gumbo :)

Anyway the event info is here on Facebook:


Please come! It is going to be a blast with food, music, and adult beverages.

If you can't attend but still want to help I have set up a PayPal donation link:


Thank you guys, so much. This is a time I will never forget.

Blue is helping
Sara testing out her Moby. Turns out Nora and her like it!

Monday, February 4, 2013

What day is it?

Dug and I have fallen down the rabbit hole of new parenthood for sure. I can tell you what time it is and when the last time Nora ate but I can't tell you what day it is or what time it was the last time I ate. Oh well! Now for pictures from the last few days.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blue and the baby

So one thing Sara and I were worried about is how Blue would be when Nora came home. Well he isn't sure either. He is very interested in her, and barks his head off at any "threatening" noise outside. Nora has definitely had her face licked a few times, with more in the future I'm sure. He's worried when she's crying and can tell Sara and I are a little stressed. He now sleeps at the foot of the bed, closest to Nora. I'm positive he will fall into the routine of things as we find it, probably have an easier transition than Sara and me. 

I did get a good shot of Nora and Blue on the couch, so enjoy!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The first day

We are all still alive and in good spirits after the first full day at home.



We're all home! Dug and Blue are cuddled up in bed and Nora is sleeping on my chest so I'm the only one awake right now and I figured I would post pictures from our adventure yesterday.