Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Flying Baby!

More pics to come from the trip but here are a few cute ones of Nora in the flight home yesterday. She was a champ on all of the flights--minimal fussiness which was mostly related to being tired, wet, or hungry which are legitimate reasons to cry in my book. And I survived, too!
Sleeping in the Moby while we wait to board.

We had a whole row to ourselves to Nora got to explore the plane a bit. 

She was pretty into the window.

She can pull herself up to kneeling now which was handy for getting a good look at the clouds.

Everyone that we met exclaimed "What a happy baby!"

Finally home after our long journey

Many naps were taken after we got settled in at home

And then dinner!  She's learning to feed herself which mostly involves throwing food everywhere. 

Going Green

Here are pictures of Nora eating broccoli. That's it, just broccoli pictures. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

All Ears

Nora saw two doctors this week: an ENT and her pediatrician for 9 month (9 month!) shots and check up. The ENT recommend that we get tubes because while the infection has cleared up there is still fluid. As we head into cold and flu season we want to be as proactive as possible since her immune system is still compromised. We're not super excited about surgery though.  Everything else seems to be good and she is up to 16 lbs 10 oz and 26 inches tall. 

Next week Nora and I take off for a grand adventure!  The two of us are flying to NC to visit family and friends for 5 days. I will be flying with an infant for the first time and I'll be alone so send good thoughts. 

This can't be comfortable and yet we find her this way often.  
She would really like to put your smart phone in her mouth. 
She's a good little eater!
She likes to chew on her spoon when she's finished eating.

She really likes it.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

When the Saints Go Marching In

Here are some pictures of Nora watching her first Saints football game. Bask in the cuteness.
Prepping for the game 

Happy to be a Saints fan

We don't put her in front of the TV very often so she's pretty in to it.  

She's also pretty in to her Dad

And here are some pictures of us trying to put Dug's glasses on her

She really likes to chew on them 

It took dozens of tries but we got one good shot

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Papa's Visit

My daddy came to visit last weekend and we had a great time hanging out. It was hot and sometimes Nora was cranky but all in all it was a good weekend.
Showing off the fancy new outfit that Ty and Bev gave her.

Baby brains are delicious

She's big into rolling these days and frequently ends up off of whatever soft surface we've placed her on. 

Mommy snuggles!

Trying to eat the camera

My new favorite picture



Watching the news

About to have breakfast

Watching golf

Oscar, the Great and Majestic Beast