Friday, September 13, 2013

All Ears

Nora saw two doctors this week: an ENT and her pediatrician for 9 month (9 month!) shots and check up. The ENT recommend that we get tubes because while the infection has cleared up there is still fluid. As we head into cold and flu season we want to be as proactive as possible since her immune system is still compromised. We're not super excited about surgery though.  Everything else seems to be good and she is up to 16 lbs 10 oz and 26 inches tall. 

Next week Nora and I take off for a grand adventure!  The two of us are flying to NC to visit family and friends for 5 days. I will be flying with an infant for the first time and I'll be alone so send good thoughts. 

This can't be comfortable and yet we find her this way often.  
She would really like to put your smart phone in her mouth. 
She's a good little eater!
She likes to chew on her spoon when she's finished eating.

She really likes it.  


  1. BOO on tubes. YAY on the NC visit. SUPER STOKED to see two of my favorite ladies!!!

  2. Small correction: Nora is 16 lbs and 14 Oz. Just 2 Oz away from 17!
