Friday, November 8, 2013

Halloween Part II

So the second part of Halloween involved visits from both Grandpa Wes and Grandma Deb and Grammy Diane.  We went to three different Halloween events all over town and a great time was had by all.  Well, mostly.  Actually, Nora was a little over stimulated and pretty cranky after each of the events but otherwise we all had a great time.  Okay, pictures! 

Grandpa Wes and Nora pre-Halloween festivities

We all went to visit Aunt Margaret that weekend, too.  Grandpa and Aunt Margaret were ready for the game.
Hook 'Em Horns!

Grandpa Wes and Grandma Deb with Nora outside of the Frank Erwin Center for Longhorn Halloween

Grandma Deb trying to make Nora smile for the camera. 

In her costume before heading out on Halloween

A better shot of the cape I made 

It's getting harder and harder to take good pictures of her because she NEVER.STOPS.MOVING. 

Mommy was a flower to Nora's lady bug

Grammy came with us to the Halloween carnival at Dottie Jordan park which is just down the road from our house. 

Grammy captured Nora's first attempt to go through the dog door.  Don't they just look like a Calvin and Hobbs strip waiting to happen? 


  1. Norabug doesn't look like she likes flowers in that photo.... :)

  2. She was not impressed with the festivities at all. To be fair, she had just awakened from a nap and it was dinner time.
